

1. Urutengangana (Star, Orientation/Navigation)
2. Rongomatane & Haumietiketike (Cultivated and Uncultivated food sources)
3. Tangaroa (Sea & fish)
4. Tamanuitera (Sun,energy,light, heat)
5. Papatuanuku (Earth, whenua, nurturing)

Top 3 and connection stories:

Tangaroa - As a kid growing up my papa would wake me and my little brother up real early in the morning and take us out on his boat to go fishing. it was our way of conneting with not only our papa but also Tangaroa.

Rongomatane & Haumietiketike - Whenever we visit our homeland of the Cook Islands there are things that we had to do which specifically connects to Rongomatane & Haumietiketike which was working in the plantation growing crops such as Taro, Kumura, etc. 

Urutengangana - because of ligth polution you can hardly see the stars on a clear night where i live but whenever we go camping or out of town one of the most special things that i like to do is look at the stars. it is one of the most beautiful experices because it is very rare tha youll see a clear sky where you can see all the stars as clear as day. Another experince which also connects me to Urutengangana is that when we went fishing with my papa, because it was so early to the point where its still night time and because we would drive up north away from the city to fish. One of the most surreal experinces is being out on a boat pitch black where all you can see are the stars. being out on a boat pitch black nothig but the stars makes me think about how my ancestors wouldve sailed using nothig but the stars to navgate throughout the pacific.

Visual Representation of Urutengangana


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