PURAKAU: Matariki

Matariki represents the maori new year and celebrates the people, language, culture, and spirit of the people that live below the stars. Matariki was created as a result of the seperation of Papatuanuku and Ranganui. Due to their seperation the weather God Tawhirimatea one of their sons was raged and which caused his eyes to glow and cry tears that ascended to the heavens which became the constilations of the sky. within the infinites of space dwell six sisters and their mother Matariki, together they use their collective power to help a weakend sun on his journey back south which marks  the end of winter. This time period is a time we can use to reflect on who we are in that moment in time, we use these stories to help us also to guide our growth and personally develop/evolve.


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