In todays class we read about the story of Papatuanuku and ranginui, Papatuanuku being the earth mother and Ranginui being the Sky father. we learn about their eight children who are left to wander in darkness between them which causes them to believe theres nothing else to explore. However during a breif moment Tane one of the sons is sure that he has seen a glimpse of light and this causes him to believe that there must be more beyond their parents' embrace. Therefore he comes up with a plan to seperate his parents apart and then goes on to share this plan to his brothers, some of the brothers agree to this plan, some come up with their own plans, yet others decide not to be involved whatsoever. however while they are conversing amongst one another about this plan, light can clearly be seen by all the brothers as papatuanuku and ranganui shift for a brief second. this fully convinces them to agree to the plan however one of the brothers still decideds not to participate. Nonetheless those who agreed went along with the pan and pushed their parents apart. because of this one of the brothers became furious with the rest of his brothers and decides to hunt them down, he goes on to hunt them all one by one but is unsuccessful as they all hide exept for the last brother. the last brother stands up to his brother and in doing so becomes angry that his brothers didnt help him. this then causes him to then go on a rampage looing for his brothers and to this day also he hunts them down. 

From reading this story we were to choose three ingoas (names in the story) and their associations which most related to us. I went on to choose Urutengangana, Tamanuitera, and Tangaroa. I can relate to Urutengangana which is assosciated with stars because as a child one of the things i used to love doing especially when we went camping was to look at the stars and try name all of them. I can relate to Tamanuitera which is assosciated with the sun because where i come from in the islands it is a very warm and sunny place, I also enjoy being in the sun as summertime is my favourite time of the year. i can relate to tangaroa which is the ingoa assosciated with sea and fish because as a polynesian my ancestors were seafarers and we as a people relied alot on the fish of the land. 



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