
Showing posts from March, 2022
  PURAKAU: Matariki Matariki represents the maori new year and celebrates the people, language, culture, and spirit of the people that live below the stars. Matariki was created as a result of the seperation of Papatuanuku and Ranganui. Due to their seperation the weather God Tawhirimatea one of their sons was raged and which caused his eyes to glow and cry tears that ascended to the heavens which became the constilations of the sky. within the infinites of space dwell six sisters and their mother Matariki, together they use their collective power to help a weakend sun on his journey back south which marks  the end of winter. This time period is a time we can use to reflect on who we are in that moment in time, we use these stories to help us also to guide our growth and personally develop/evolve.


RANKED ATUA: 1. Urutengangana (Star, Orientation/Navigation) 2. Rongomatane & Haumietiketike (Cultivated and Uncultivated food sources) 3. Tangaroa (Sea & fish) 4. Tamanuitera (Sun,energy,light, heat) 5. Papatuanuku (Earth, whenua, nurturing) Top 3 and connection stories: Tangaroa - As a kid growing up my papa would wake me and my little brother up real early in the morning and take us out on his boat to go fishing. it was our way of conneting with not only our papa but also Tangaroa. Rongomatane & Haumietiketike - Whenever we visit our homeland of the Cook Islands there are things that we had to do which specifically connects to Rongomatane & Haumietiketike which was working in the plantation growing crops such as Taro, Kumura, etc.  Urutengangana - because of ligth polution you can hardly see the stars on a clear night where i live but whenever we go camping or out of town one of the most special things that i like to do is look at the stars. it is one of the most bea

Rona and the Moon

Rona and the moon one night while Rona was home cooking dinner and her husband and kids were out fishing Rona had remembered that she forgot fresh water for their dinner. so therefore he ran to a lake to gather fresh water and her way back while she was using the light from the moon she tripped up as the moon had suddenly hidden behind the clouds. Rona then cursed at the moon which the moon did not like therefore the moon came down to grab rona, Rona however did all she could to reisist the moon by grabbing onto the trees however the moon pulled Rona and the roots of the tree with it. Rona was taken by the moon and trapped there, as Ronas husband and children returned from fishing they couldnt find Rona. but as they looked to the moon there they saw Rona trapped in the moon. 
 In todays class we read about the story of Papatuanuku and ranginui, Papatuanuku being the earth mother and Ranginui being the Sky father. we learn about their eight children who are left to wander in darkness between them which causes them to believe theres nothing else to explore. However during a breif moment Tane one of the sons is sure that he has seen a glimpse of light and this causes him to believe that there must be more beyond their parents' embrace. Therefore he comes up with a plan to seperate his parents apart and then goes on to share this plan to his brothers, some of the brothers agree to this plan, some come up with their own plans, yet others decide not to be involved whatsoever. however while they are conversing amongst one another about this plan, light can clearly be seen by all the brothers as papatuanuku and ranganui shift for a brief second. this fully convinces them to agree to the plan however one of the brothers still decideds not to participate. Nonethe

